Legal Notice
MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH
Böhmerstrasse 13
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Director: Mark Pohlmann
HRB: 126014 Frankfurt am Main
USt-ID: DE350100152
Responsible for content according to TDG and MDStV:
MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH; address as above.
Disclaimer: The content of this website was compiled by MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH with the greatest possible care and is continuously updated. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the correctness, completeness or topicality of the information contained. Any liability for damages that arise directly or indirectly from the use of this website is excluded as a matter of principle, unless there is evidence of willful intent or gross negligence on the part of MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH. In the case of direct or indirect references to third-party websites ("links") that lie outside the area of ​​responsibility of MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH, a liability obligation would only come into effect if MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH was aware of the content and MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH was technically able to do so and it would be reasonable to prevent use in the event of illegal content. MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH hereby expressly declares that no illegal content was discernible on the linked pages at the time the link was created. MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH has no influence whatsoever on the current and future design, the content or the authorship of the linked/connected pages. MFE Magnesium For Europe GmbH therefore hereby expressly distances itself from all content on all linked / connected pages that were changed after the link was created.
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